
Frigid Plate Armor is a high-valued armor that gives you immunity to the freeze status but reduces your Max HP by 15%. Aside from getting the armor from donation, here is a guide that will teach you how to make one for yourself.

Step 1
The quest starts at @warp juperos_01 106 267, Oliver, the quest NPC for Astral Factory Permit will provide you with a list of items that he will need. Requirements may vary every time you logoff or use a different character, which means you may pick a quest that you find easy. Quests usually require 1 of 3 castle drop items, namely :
  • Snow Crystal
  • Emblem Of Solar God
  • Ripple

and a bunch of other items that you would need to farm for.

!!! Note: Astral Factory Permit Quest can only be done once per character.
Here is an example of getting your quest requirements from Oliver. In this screen shot, Oliver asks you to bring him a Snow Crystal and many other items.  There are only 3 different batches of quest requirements.
After farming for the requirements and talking to Oliver again with the items in your inventory, he rewards you with an Astral Factory Permit ( gives your free access to Monster Arena ).
Step 2
After getting your Astral Factory Permit, you will proceed to Monster Arena and "investigate". Talk to the crane machine located at the upper-left corner of the Monster Arena Map.

!!! Note: You need be on the same character that you used in making Astral Factory Permit.
Step 3
 After your "investigation", you will now proceed to @warp aldebaran 78 210 and find Rachel.

!!! Note: Rachel only appears during server night time. This means, she will not be available during server daytime and you would have to wait for the next server's shift to night time to continue on with your quest. Also, if you fail to bring her the requirements before server shifts to daytime (provided that you have asked her the requirements from a previous server night time shift), you will have to wait for the next server night time shift to be able to talk to her and finish the quest. 
Once you have finished collecting all of Rachel's requirements, talk to her again, and she will reward you with your well-deserved Frigid Plate Armor.

Congratulations! You got Frigid Plate Armor[1] 

!!! Remember: Only the character that finished the Astral Factory Permit can proceed with the story of the quest so make sure you use a character that has a high weight limit, which is important in carrying many items that are required for each quest. Also, you can only do Frigid Plate Armor quest once per account. This means, after finishing FPA quest on a character on your account, all your other characters in that account may no longer get access to the story-line of the quest, except the part of making Astral Factory Permit.